Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It took an extended edition FOTR viewing to finish Cynthia Rutledge's Antonia's Adornment kit...

But I did it!!!  Want to try?  Well worth the money for the kit.  Like having a master class with Ms. Rutledge herself.  The beads in the kit were of good quality (she includes 2 needles and One G thread, too), and I finished with quite a surplus.  The "lattice weave" technique is very very cool and will be fun to use in a variety of other projects.  I've already started a basic lattice strap on my own.  Her instructions are detailed and personal ("Let's add a picot while we are over here").

I was not sure about doing a kit as it felt like I was somehow being uneconomical, or cheating.  But I really learned a lot doing this bracelet, and as a result I have an excellent bracelet, extra beads and the instructions to use again and again.

The biggest lesson I got was making the little beaded beads that constitute the two buttons at the end.  Cynthia's method was one I have never encountered before and the result is totally darling.  Yes, I said it, totally DARLING.

The next kit I want to do (for my own education, of course, is this one.  Christmas anyone?)

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